Tuesday, December 02, 2008

BO Waffles on Mrs. Clinton's Credentials

President-elect BO has designated the wife of former president Bill Clinton to be his secretary of state.  This is quite a waffle considering BO spent much of the previous two years questioning her foreign-policy credentials.

BO claimed that she didn't possess the necessary foreign policy experience to be president.  Here's a quote he made during a campaign event last March in Texas:
“What exactly is this foreign policy expertise? Was she negotiating treaties? Was she handling crises? The answer is no.”
Now, BO says his new foreign policy team, which will be led by Mrs. Bill Clinton, would change America’s foreign policy for the better.  He told reporters:
“I am confident that this is the team that we need to make a new beginning for American national security,”
BO had said exactly the opposite view of Bill Clinton's wife during the primary campaign.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quotes of the Day

"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men." --John Adams

"If an American is to amount to anything he must rely upon himself, and not upon the State; he must take pride in his own work, instead of sitting idle to envy the luck of others. He must face life with resolute courage, win victory if he can, and accept defeat if he must, without seeking to place on his fellow man a responsibility which is not theirs." --Theodore Roosevelt

"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that, too." --W. Somerset Maugham

"He is a man of sense who does not grieve for what he has not, but rejoices in what he has." --Epictetus

Useless Words

Here is a list of useless words that are used in everyday language.

Usually. This stupid word is used as an absolute. Why? Here's an example, "usually we don't do that..." When what they mean is, "we DON'T do that." What is the purpose of 'usually'?

Kinda. Self explanatory. Why is it used as a comparison when it doesn't compare? Talk about STUPID!

Actually. This is the ultimate use of stupidity. If it isn't already ACTUALLY, then what is it? C'mon, what's the purpose of it?

The English language is so abused. Why do we allow these things to continue?


Why do people say...

It's Ameeeeezing?

Why can't they say it's amazing?

This is something I will never understand.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008





Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bill Ayers is a College Professor

"Bill Ayers is a professor of education in Chicago; 40 years ago when I was 8 years old he engaged in despicable acts with a domestic group. I have roundly denounced those attacks."

That's BO's story and he's sticking to it. (BO because his policies stink)

BUT, and it's a big but, when BO was 40 Bill Ayers said he didn't regret what he did and that he should have used more dynamite.

Come on, BO, you're in league with an unrepentant terrorist and you know it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is Marriage a Right?

Many people believe that marriage is a right. But is it? Let’s think about this for a moment and look at some of the ramifications if it was a right.

Who’s going to marry the 300 pound slob?
Who’s going to marry the jerk who won’t get a job?
Who’s going to marry the ugly duckling? I mean the ugly duckling!
Who’s going to marry the womanizer? Who’s going to marry the female equivalent?
It doesn’t make sense to say that marriage is a right.

While it certainly makes sense that everybody has the right to TRY to get married it doesn’t make sense that anybody has the right to be married.

Let’s stop calling things rights that aren’t rights.

Democratic is a process,
democrat is what they are...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Bail Out

Any solution should observe three guiding principles.

  • Restore the stability of the financial system quickly and and at the lowest possible cost to the taxpayers.
  • Address the root causes of this crisis, i.e. the price collapse in the residential real estate market.
  • Punish those who are responsible for the losses.
Here are some of the problems with the bail out bill.

1. How will the assets be priced? Efforts in the past to establish a price have not been successful. In fact, markets have frozen up largely due to the difficulty of pricing them.
  • If the Treasury pays to close to par, as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke alluded to at the Senate hearing, it's going to pay too much.
  • If it pays the current prices, no one will sell due to the impact on their capital.
  • If it pulls a price out of thin air, it will be acting arbitrarily. The proposal needs to create a price setting process.
2. Are we better served by buying assets or institutions? It's obvious that the purchase of mortgage related assets from struggling or failing financial institutions is necessary. But why should the taxpayer, instead of the shareholders and debt holders, bear this burden of debt
for financial institutions that are solvent? I think not.

3. How much is this really going to cost the taxpayer? $700 billion is a lot of money. But what if it isn't enough? Some economist are saying the price could be over $1 trillion.

Before anything is consummated the solution should respect the rule of law by spelling out the proposal in sufficient detail for the Congress and the voters to pass judgment. It should follow proven precedents.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin

This is from an article written today by, CNS News senior editor, Susan Jones.

Who is She?

Palin was born Feb. 11, 1964, in Idaho, but her parents moved to Alaska shortly after her birth to teach. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987.

The Palins have five children: Track, 19; Bristol 17; Willow 14; Piper, 7, and Trig, who was born in April with Down syndrome. Track enlisted in the Army in 2007 on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and has been assigned to Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks.

In just two years, Palin has moved from suburban hockey mom and small-town mayor to governor and vice presidential contender, the Associated Press reported.

She is the first woman to appear on a Republican presidential ticket. She is Alaska’s first female governor, and she ran on an anti-corruption, ethics platform.

During her first year in office, Palin distanced herself from the powerful old guard of the state Republican Party, even calling on Sen. Ted Stevens to explain to Alaskans why federal authorities were investigating him, the Associated Press reported.

However, the Alaska Legislature last month voted to hire an independent investigator to look into allegations that Palin abused her office by trying to get her former brother-in-law fired from his job as an Alaska state trooper.

Palin has said she welcomes the investigation: "Hold me accountable," she said. She denies allegations that she pulled strings in an attempt to get her sister's ex-husband fired.

She also successfully took on the oil industry, leading to a tax increase on oil company profits that have swelled the state's treasury.

Bumper stickers and blogs have proclaimed Alaska and Palin: "Coldest State, Hottest Governor." Last year, the former beauty queen posed for a photo shoot in Vogue, the Associated Press reported.

She lives in Wasilla, a town of 6,500 about 30 miles north of Anchorage, with her husband, Todd, a North Slope oil worker who competes in the Iron Dog, a 1,900-mile snowmobile race. He is part Yup'ik Eskimo.

Her previous political experience consisted of terms as Wasilla's mayor and councilwoman and a stint as head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

She is solidly pro-life, reports say, and is expected to have strong appeal to social conservatives.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a thought...

I'm sitting here in the rain enjoying the day and I'm also listening to the news.

There's something that's very wrong. The democrat party isn't democratic, in fact, they're against the process. Does anybody remember the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004?

algore hates the process. He did everything he could to avert it. He lied. He cheated. He cried like a baby.

John Kerry, on the other hand, was disgusted with the process. The democrat party did everything they could to make him president. They lied. They cheated. They cried like babies. John Kerry did a noble thing. He walked away knowing the George W. Bush won the election.

Remember these words of wisdom,

democrat IS WHAT THEY ARE!!!!!

Any questions?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Classic List Changed... Already?

That's right.

I had to think hard about Catcher in the Rye. It's not a book I can recommend because of the language.

If it was a movie, I wouldn't watch it.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Classic Literature Must Reads

This is such a touchy subject. As soon as I post this list I'm going to change it or somebody is going to criticize me for not including their favorite 'Classic Must Reads'.

Let me know what yours' are so they can be included. Don't think I'm so arrogant to suggest that my list is definitive. There are many classics I haven't read, 'A Brave New World' comes to mind, however, I just requested it from the local library. I should start reading it by the end of the week. To tell you the truth I love short stories. My mind rarely allows for novels because I drift and have to start over. These are a list of those which kept my attention from start to finish.

The list I concocted will be revised, and revised, and revised... As indicated, any book that can keep my attention is worth the read.

Here it is.

1884 - a frightening reality of a paperless society (memory holes) and liberal rule.
Tom Sawyer - this and Huck are simply awesome
Shane - the book is better than the movie, duh.
Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane's descriptive writing is remarkable.
Huckleberry Finn - See Tom Sawyer, above.
To Kill a Mockingbird - incredible.
Edgar Allen Poe - A wordsmith with an unbelievable imagination.
Sherlock Holmes - The plots are fascinating.
Agatha Christie - The queen of short stories.
Dairy of a Rat Man aka Willard - WHAT!? You scream in horror. Yeah, I liked it. Summer of '71!

This is it for the moment. The usual Shakespear and Sophocles are givens, however, I really don't care for them that much. Shakespear is great for understanding the King James Bible because you'll use a dictionary. You won't when you read the KJV and that's a shame.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Quotes for Today

Quotes from Thomas Jefferson.
Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.

[W]hen all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another. He noted correctly, The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.
Jefferson was clear on his disdain for taxes,
To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.
But the Left adheres to a very different group of economic philosophers.

Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev said of Roosevelt’s New Deal paradigm shift,
We can’t expect the American people to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas (the grandfather, incidentally, of Newsweek Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas), echoed that sentiment,
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
Don't vote for democrats.

Democratic is a process
democrat is what they are


Friday, July 25, 2008

Democratic is a process,
democrat is what they are...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sancutary City

San Francisco has a "City of Refuge" policy.

Because of this caring (barf) policy Danielle Bologna's husband and two sons were senselessly and brutally murdered last month by Edwin Ramos.

Edwin Ramos is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who has remained in the United States despite two prior convictions for gang-related felonies. He was also arrested on a gun charge in March, but authorities again failed to place an immigration hold on him.

Liberal policies don't work. They never have and they never will.


Democratic is a process
democrat is what they are…

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Reminder

Let's remember a few things about 'big oil'.

1. When 'profits' are reported by the media they don't mean profits. They mean GROSS income.

2. 49% of all so-called profits go to government retirement plans, i.e. teachers, police, firemen, stupid politicians etc...

3. The other 51% goes into research, drilling, losing money drilling, the cost of drilling, the cost of business THEN it goes to salaries.

Democratic is a process,
democrat is what they are...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

There's Justice to be Had!

This just in...

U.S. District Judge James Robertson on Thursday rejected an effort by Usama bin Laden's former driver, Salim Hamdan, to postpone his trial. Hamdan argued he would suffer irreparable harm if his was tried before he could challenge the legality of the process.

Robertson's ruling is a victory for the Bush administration, which plans to use the military commission process to prosecute alleged Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others charged in the 2001 attacks.

These terrorists are not citizens of the United States of America and don’t have the same rights and privileges of those who are.###

The hard-lined, left-winged extremist, knee-jerk reactionary liberals, who want to cram their dogma of intolerance and hate down our throats, have be dealt a major blow.


Democratic is a process
democrat is what they are…

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Lesson from around the World

Maybe there's something to learn afterall.

London (CNSNews.com) – London and Berlin may soon join other cities across Europe in hosting memorials to the late President Ronald Reagan.

Since the death of America’s 40th president in June 2004, a handful of parks and streets across the continent have been named after him, and a bust of Reagan was installed in a central Budapest park in 2006.

With plans already underway for memorials in Prague and two cities in Poland, a spokeswoman for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation confirmed Monday that the organization is involved with plans for a proposed statue in the British capital.

Spokeswoman Kirby Hanson said that her foundation is helping a local group with funding and installing a statue in historic Grosvenor Square in central London.

I hope this catches on in the United States of America.

Democratic is a process,
democrat is what they are...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Thoughts for the Day

There is more money and votes in prolonging the prolem than in providing a solution. Ancient liberal proverb

If you believe that a nation can tax itself into prosperity you might be a liberal. A wise proverb

Every time I argue with a liberal, I'm reminded of quarrels I used to have with my parents. The battles never seemed fair because my folks decided what the rules were and what was out of bounds. Pat Sajak

Arthur C Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University and a former democrat, has written a book that includes extensive data that proves that liberals are less charitable than conservatives in every way imaginable. From cash donations and volunteer hours to donated blood.

Democratic is a process,
democrat is what they are...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Where's the Plan?

In her July 8 letter to Bush, Pelosi insisted that tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is “more than justified” by the “destabilizing impact” that gasoline price increases are having on the economy.

She's admitting that MORE OIL PRODUCTION will lower the cost of fuel.

Republicans note that oil prices have more than doubled since Pelosi herself took over the speaker’s office, promising that “Democrats have a plan to lower gas prices…”

Where's the plan?

Democratic is a process,
democrat is what they are.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Jews Understand

This just in from the Jewish World Review...

Islamists have the West just where they want us
by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.

Let's be clear: The Islamists are trying to establish a kind of Catch-22: If you point out that they seek to impose a barbaric, repressive and seditious Shariah Law, you are insulting their faith and engaging in unwarranted, racist and bigoted fear-mongering.

On the other hand, pursuant to Shariah, you must submit to that theo-political-legal program. If you don't, you can legitimately be killed. It is not an irrational fear to find that prospect unappealing. And it is not racist or bigoted to decry and oppose Islamist efforts to bring it about — ask the anti-Islamist Muslims who are frequently accused of being Islamophobes!

Click the title of the blog for the entire story!

Democratic is a process

democrat is what they are...


Wednesday, July 02, 2008


You can't make up a story like this. An Illinois woman is torn between her child and living with her sex offender boyfriend.

Kansas City Star

America has a choice

Drill here,
Drill now,
Pay less

or vote liberal (left winged extremist knee jerk reactionary liberal that wants to cram a dogma of intolerance and hate down our throats)

Democratic is a process

democrat is what they are...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

algore Consumes More than Ever

Energy Guzzled by Al Gore’s Home in Past Year Could Power 232 U.S. Homes for a Month Gore’s personal electricity consumption up 10%, despite “energy-efficient” home renovations. Here's the report from the Tennessee Center for Policy Research...

NASHVILLE - In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former Vice President’s home energy use surged more than 10%, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.

“A man’s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,” said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. “Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.”

In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.

In February 2007, An Inconvenient Truth, a film based on a climate change speech developed by Gore, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature. The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore’s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household. read more...

Democratic is a process
democrat is what they are…

Today in History

1865, Union troops commanded by Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, with news that the Civil War was over, and that all slaves were free. (This event is celebrated as "Juneteenth.")

1964, the Senate approved the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by a vote of 73-27, The democrats tried to filibuster the bill but responsible Republicans pushed it through. However, democrats would devise a non-discriminating form of slavery called the Great Society.

Democratic is a process,
democrat is what they are...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

Newt Gingrich’s movement,

“Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less,”

has nearly a million signatures in three weeks has lit a fire in America. Republicans on the campaign trail are quoting “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” and separating themselves from presidential candidate, John McCain. Mr. McCain needs to wake up. America needs to

Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

John McCain has finally realized that based on the success of the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 that he was wrong about across the board tax rate reductions. It's possible that he could realize that drilling in ANWAR and the continental USA is a good, correction, GREAT idea. We can do it.

Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

What a great slogan.

Democratic is a process,
Democrat is what they are.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Great New Web Site


A coalition of millions with
one thing in common: They're
former Helliary supporters that
agree NObama

Check it out today!

Democratic is a process
Democrat is what they are...


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

David Hitch has it Right!

Why is it some people just don't get it?

Democratic is a process.
Democrat is what they are.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

hel-liar-y is Defeated!

We can all rest easy tonight. hel-liar-y has been defeated by b. hussein obama bin laden. I know you're not crazy about McCain but he's our only hope.

Let's all join together and put McCain in the White House.

helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary los thelliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost helliary lost

If You Voted for Change, You Got It.

This is from an email that's been going around. It's accurate. I've added my signature i.e.

Democratic is a process.
Democrat is what they are.

Remember the election in 2006?

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high.
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon.
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Since voting in a Democrat controlled Congress in 2006 we have seen:

1) Consumer confidence plummet.
2) The cost of regular gasoline soar to over $3.50 a gallon.
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase).
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate (stock and mutual fund losses).
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars.
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

America a voted for change" in 2006, and we got it!

The House of Representatives create ALL spending bills and not the President. He has to work with what's handed to him.

Quote of the Day... "My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it." -- Barack Obama

Whether Democrat or a Republican you will find these statistics enlightening or amazing.
www.taxfoundation.org/publ ications/show/151.html

Taxes under Clinton 1999 under Bush 2008
Single making 30K - tax $8,400 Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $14,000 Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $23,250 Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K - tax $16,800 Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $21,000 Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $38,750 Married making 125K - tax $31,250

Both democrat (democratic is a process, democrat is what they are) candidates will return to the higher tax rates

It is amazing how many people who fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever. If Obama or Hillary are elected, they both say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people who fall into the categories above can't wait for it to happen. This is like the movie The Sting with Paul Newman, you scam somebody out of some money and they don't even know what happened.

Do you think the war in Iraq is costing us too much? Read this:

We have been hammered with the propaganda that it is the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us. Here are 14 facts about spending.

$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments. http://tinyurl.com/zob77

$2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as foodstamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US.

During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report

The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin. http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration. Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.

How are you going to vote? As much as I'm not excited about John McCain, it's the only viable option we have.

Democratic is a process.
Democrat is what they are.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Obama and Friends

William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

They're a sweet couple who were leaders in the inspirational public awareness group known as the Weather Underground. This group insisted that a revolution against the United States and capitalists everywhere should commence immediately. They envisioned a classless society. That means communism.

In 1970 the Weather Underground issued a “Declaration of a State of War” against the United States and commenced a campaign of terror including bombings, jailbreaks, and the instigation of riots. Between 1969 and 1975, they bombed the U.S. Capitol twice, the Pentagon, the Department of State and several federal courthouses. They also attacked state and local government buildings and “capitalist targets” such as banks. The terrorist organization began to disband after the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam and the fall of Saigon, though one of their last acts of violence was a Brinks robbery in 1981, in which two police officers and a security guard were murdered during that robbery.

At this point Ayers is a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Dohrn is an associate professor of law at Northwestern University. Aren't you glad our college minds are getting the best possible education?

Imagine a country with them on the presidents cabinet...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Remember Her Name ...

Her name is HELL-ary.

If she gets elected that's what it'll be.

Too funny

Monday, March 31, 2008

A Fishing Story

Once upon a time...

There was a lodge located in the middle of some of the best fishing in the world.  The lakes, rivers and streams were teaming with hungry fish.

The wise men of lodge thought it would be a good idea to go fishing. One of them stood up and asked, "who knows how to fish?" They looked and each other and realized nobody had ever gone fishing. Another wise man stood up and said, "We need to bring someone to the lodge who can teach us about fishing". They all agreed that it was a good idea. They collected their resources and hired a professional fisherman to come and teach them about fishing.

They announced the event to all of the staff and guests. They even gave it a name, "Explore Fishing". Everybody was anxious to hear about fishing.

When the day arrived the Professional Fisherman taught them everything he knew about fishing. There were handouts with photos and everything. He told them about the different types of fish and what they ate. Next came detailed instructions about the rods, reels, different lines and the proper clothing to look like a fisherman. He
went over the best times for fishing and the best places on the lakes, rivers and streams where fish could be found. He even showed them how the primitive people fished 2000 years ago and mentioned some scientific names for various types of fish. There was a great lesson on the problems of fishing and how to handle them. Afterward, the guests and staff asked questions. There was even a time for group
sessions so they could have intellectual discussions about fishing and share their thoughts and, most importantly, their feelings about fishing.

It was a great success. The staff and guests had learned about fishing. Everyone was thrilled that they could do it in the comfort and protection of the lodge.

One lady stood up and asked the wise men what the people were going to do with this information. The chief wise man said, "we'll all know about fishing". She asked again, "what are these people going to do with the information?"" The chief wise man answered, "We have all gained insight on fishing. Didn't you hear the words of the Professional Fisherman?" She finally walked away and was very disturbed.

The wise men decided to have more events like this. "We must tell more people about fishing if we want to be a successful lodge".

They brought in more guest speakers. The lodge was growing and more guests were learning about fishing. They even had special courses for people that wore red shirts and for those who wore blue shirts. The wise men were pleased that everybody could find a comfortable place to learn about fishing.

One day, unbeknownst to the lodge or the wise men, the lady that asked too many questions went fishing. She took her fishing equipment to the lakes, rivers and streams. The fish were jumping everywhere. Bravely, she began fishing. Wouldn't you know it ! She caught a fish. Then another and another. She caught a lot of fish.

Excited about what happened, she went to the lodge and showed everybody the fish she'd caught. "The lakes, rivers and streams are full of hungry fish !", said cried. Everyone was amazed at what she had done. She told them how she did it and everything. The wise men heard about this and were ecstatic about the success of the lady who asked too many questions. "She took the information, used it and caught fish", they cried with joy. They gave her the special position of Resident Fisherman. They made sure that she would be available to tell everybody what she had done.

The lodge opened new lodges. The young lady was very busy going from lodge to lodge telling everybody about her success in catching a fish. So busy, in fact, that she never had time to go fishing again.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Taking a Stand

Have you ever noticed how people will take a stand for trivial matters? Arguments about sports, cars, soda, music, etc... can create some serious adverse reactions. Fights have come about because someone's subjective tastes differed from another's.

Has anybody taken a poll to find out why people become so defensive with these things? Has a college received grant money for such a study?

It's very interesting to watch these discussions. It's disturbing to not see a stand when one should be made.

One would think that a position against the profanity and licentiousness in movies would be made by the religious majority. With 84% of the United States population being Christian it's surprising that nothing has be done.

If the Protestants and Catholics were to stop attending movies for 3 months, and voice their concerns, the movie industry would change. Not because of a sudden revelation of their wrong doings but because of the money. When 84% of the people stop doing something it makes an economical impact.

Why won't they do it?

There are churches that have used portions of movies that are rated R as an introduction to a sermon or announcing an event. Using a vehicle that offends the sensibilities of the teachings of Jesus Christ doesn't make sense.

Christians should think hard about what they're allowing to happen and take a stand for something worthwhile. After all, Christians are not called to be entertained. They are called to be Holy.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


If you remember, I wrote a piece about how I think music divides. There are other things that divide. Egos. Opinions. Churches.

Did I say churches? Yes, indeed. Although it isn't a process that's been intentionally thought out, it is a fact that churches divide. Think about this. When you go to church, what happens? The son goes to one part, the daughter to another and, if they're lucky, the mom and dad attend class or worship together. Where are the kids?

In the olden daze, we used to go to church together as family. We sat together in the service. Unfortunately, we'd all be divided for Sunday School.

Why? I have no idea except that maybe the powers that be thought it to be a good idea.

Today the church focuses on specific groups i.e. young, old, black, white, Mexican etc... Why is this.

Today the church is changing the message that Jesus spoke to "come and hear" instead of the incredible "Go and Tell". Why?

Jesus' message is clear, "Go ye therefore unto all nations..." The operative word is "go" not come. The next teaching is this. "And ye shall be witnesses". Not witness that say come and hear but witnesses in Judea, Samaria and the uttermost part of the world. Clearly that isn't a 'come and hear' message.

Where have we gone wrong?

Think about it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Today is Ash Wednesday

Today is the beginning of Lent. Lent is the preparation of the believer for the annual celebration of Easter, which is the day which Jesus arose from the dead and left an empty tomb. This period of preparation can be done by prayer, penitence, alms giving and self denial.

The self denial portion is done when the believer gives up something very important during the 40 days of Lent. It can be done in various ways. A favorite food, activity, etc... Each time it comes to mind you're reminded of how Jesus gave up himself for us. He died for our sins. What a small token on our part for such a great sacrifice by our Saviour.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Let's All Pray This Will Be True...

This story has been going around the Internet quite a bit. It's great and I really hope I can go to the White House in 2009 and hear this.
One sunny day in 2009, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue , where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton."

The Marine replied, "Sir, Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here."

The old man said, "Okay," and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton".

The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here." The man thanked him and again walked away .

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton."

The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mrs. Clinton. I've told you already several times that Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here. Don't you understand?"

The old man smiled as he replied, "Oh, I understand you fine, I just love hearing your answer!"

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow, Sir."

Names in the News

Welcome the latest link on the side bar. It has the names of people in the news and a list of current and former world leaders.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

algore Wins Academy Award

How about algore? "An Inconvenient Truth" has won an Academy Award. algore says It’s all about the environment. Can anybody think of anything better for the environment than an event that features 2,000 stretch limousines?

How many scientist don't believe that global warming is man made? Go to the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine for the answer.

A Trip to the Doctor

Here's a repeat post from long ago. Although it's written hyperbolically it hits home with all of us. There are few things worse than going to a doctor.

I remember a visit to the doctor's office a while back. Something happened to my back during a weekend with Wifewoman that caused me to look like Quasimodo and feel worse. I called the doctor and made an appointment. The appointment writer downer gave orders to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out paperwork.

Upon arrival I approached a window where the beast was housed. She (it looked female) handed over scads of forms to fill out and at least 5,000 questions to answer in the brief span of 30 minutes. Little did I know that it would be plenty of time.

With the help of Wifewoman we completed everything and I returned it to the beast. She told me to sit down and wait and she'd call when the doctor was ready to see me.

See Don. See Don Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

45 minutes elapsed since feeding the beast 35 pounds of paper and the ink from 3 boxes of Bic pens. Unacceptable, I thought. I approached the window that seemingly provided protection for infirmed humans and told her that the appointment was for 10:15 am and it was 11:00 am. I was informed that the doctor was usually this late and it wasn't a problem. I told her I didn't care about what was 'usually' and that it was a problem. We had words... lots of words...

I waited... and waited...

FINALLY my name was called and we were ushered into the examination room. After a few minutes the door opened. In walked this girl dressed incredibly sloppy with a huge lab coat. Why do they dress like that? This nurse, or tech, started asking the same questions I spent all that time answering 30 minutes before the appointment. I reluctantly answered them. She scribbled on a sheet of paper attached to a clipboard in large illegible balloon letters and left. I guessed that I'd be seeing the doctor next.


In walks this guy that could be mistaken for a doctor...

"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm the PA"
"The PA. Physicians Assistant."
"Where's the doctor?"

He started playing doctor and proceeded asking the same 5,000 questions...

"I answered those already. They're on the chart".

He kept asking THEN proceeded to poke and prod my body. I couldn't stand it. Lastly, he scribbled on a pad using illegible hieroglyphics only he could interpret and left.

So far over 45 minutes had been spent in the exam room and no doctor had been sighted.


When the overbooked and time challenged M.D. finally made his glorious appearance he picked up the chart and began asking the same questions the nurse and PA had previously asked.


After asking questions He proceeded to poke and prod my body. Occasionally he'd grunt something in Latin (I think) and ask stupid questions like,

"Does that hurt?"
"Of course it hurts. You just poked me."

The doctors examination, writing of the prescription, and asking the if I had any questions took almost 10 minutes. Why was I there for 2 hours if he was only going to spend 10 minutes?

Seriously, I don't know about you but we pay insurance to see a doctor, NOT a P.A. It gripes me to spend money on something and not get what I paid for, i.e. a doctor and not some wannabe play doctor.

From now on I'm making it a point to tell the receptionist that I will not be seen by the pa. If the doctor won't see me I'll go elsewhere. I'm paying for a doctor and I expect to see a doctor.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Great Quotes

Here are some outstanding quotes from people with brains.

Apparently the only people who are supposed to be responsible are the taxpayers — and they are increasingly made responsible for other people's irresponsibility. Thomas Sowell

The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan

Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality the cost becomes prohibitive. Wm F. Buckley

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Ronald Reagan

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Green Bay Packers are Shocked

Hillary Clinton Analogy - (Mrs. Brett Favre)

Today, a shocking announcement by the Green Bay Packers...

Their starting quarterback this Sunday will be Mrs. Brett Favre. The fans in Green Bay were shocked when this announcement was made, but Mrs. Favre assured the fans that she can do just as good, if not better, than her husband Brett Favre has been doing.

"Hey, I know this game," Mrs. Favre said confidently, "I live with Brett. I have taken several road trips on the team plane. I've gone to the pregame meal. I know a lot of the Packers. I've even played and tossed the football around with them in our back yard. I know what a slot right 60-Prevent-Slot-Hook-And-Go is and I know how to avoid a corner blitz."

The people of Green Bay were polled and 50% of Packers fans are excited, motivated, looking forward to the big game.

All right, you think that's ridiculous? Let me reread this.

In a shocking announcement today, Mrs. Hillary Clinton (wife of the impeached president Bill Clinton) announced that she is running for president of the United States. The reason she believes she is a good candidate is because she knows Bill Clinton, has lived with him and was on a lot of trips to China and around the world. She says she has really cared about kids for 35 years. She's fought and she stood up for kids. She's tried to fix (read socialize) health care and knows that fifty percent of the American people are dumb enough to say, "That's good enough for us."

gag... cough...

America is ready for a strong woman president, but she ain't the one.


Suspend the Constitution once and
elect Margaret Thatcher for President

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

God's Word

Have you ever thought about how little, if any, of the Bible people memorize ? They memorize about as much as they witness, which is as little as possible.

Here's a good reason to memorize Scripture...

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Ps 119: 9, 11.
Having 200 verses memorized is a lot yet it isn't even 10% of His Word. Here are some interesting facts about the Bible.
  • There are 66 chapters in the Biblical Canon
  • 31, 031 verses
  • 23,145 are in the OT
  • 7,958 are in the NT
  • It was writtein over a 1500 year span (from 1400 B.C to A.D. 100)
  • It was written by over 40 authors from many walks of life (i.e. - kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars)
  • in different places (i.e. - wilderness, dungeon, palaces)
  • at different times (i.e. - war, peace)
  • in different moods (i.e. - heights of joy, depths of despair)
  • on three continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe)
  • in three languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek)
Every verse we know can be used to witness or improve our lives. The best sermons we can learn are by simply knowing God's Word. That means memorizing Scripture. What else do we need? God knows better that us and HIS Word will not return void.

If there's a resolution I'd suggest to somebody it would be to learn a verse or passage from God's Word every month. It's not hard and the rewards will be incredible.

A friend once asked, "Why can't it be Spiritual ?" Knowing God's Word is a great place to start.

Happy New Year !

It's going to be a great year !

Do you make resolutions ? I don't. Not that there's anything wrong with them. It's something I don't do. What resolutions have you made?

Post them on the comments.