Yes, coffee.
Let's all say it together.
Don't you feel good? Ahhh, the lovely bean meant for careful roasting and hot water steeping. It's name brings calming to the nerves.
Coffee smells great.
Coffee tastes great.
Coffee settles the nerves.
Coffee is the best reason for waking up in the morning.
There are some who drink coffee and those who enjoy coffee. Is there a difference? Of course there is.
By the way, I'm not a coffee drinker!
Those who drink coffee settle for less. They'll drink that bitter watery liquid they serve at diners, convenience stores and truck stops. You know what I mean. The brew that needs 5 creams and 5 sugars per cup just to get it down. Drinking doesn't allow for the time of savoring the roast or the nuances of the flavor. Enjoying creates a trance of elation.
Coffee must be carefully roasted by experts. The beans must be carefully packaged by monks that have taken a vow of silence. They must be delivered in the dead of night in plain brown paper sacks by the light of a full moon. The beans should have exotic names such as Columbian, Kona, Sumatran, Guatemalan and Kilimanjaro.
Juan Valdez doesn't have a clue.
You're too funny, cuz. Is it really worth going through all that every morning?
So you're a flavored coffee drinker! Chocolate Almond sounds good.
There's a place in Oklahoma City to buy beans. It's "Coffee Dan's" 1530 W. Main. It's great and the price is good. They roast their own! It's better than Starbucks and they're local.
Guatemalan is incredible! I think they have flavord, too.
Hotel coffee. The kind they put in your room that has no label. Nothing tastes better!
I think the satisfaction of hotel coffee is in direct correlation to the lack of quality sleep that occures in this environment.
Ken, you're out of your mind! That coffee is from the grinds that are left over from Sunday school coffee pots.
You made a good point about hotel coffee and the quality of sleep.
I think what happens is .... you sleep bad ... toss... turn.... wake up early. You get up an hour and a half before you would if you were sleeping at home...start the coffee they have left in the room, in the little hotel coffee maker. And when the coffee comes out... it seems to taste excellent!!!! Go figure....
Oooooooooooh. That's makes it clear.
Being delirious in a hotel room because of the lack of sleep could make the used coffee grounds taste good.
Hotels can be really bad. Every once in a while there's a bed that feels good and you can get some sleep.
I have had some good hotel coffee, but it has to be a pretty nice hotel for that...and they have to use real cream or half and half not that powder..ick.
I like Starbucks coffee drinks (when I am doing sugar) butnot their coffee so much.
McDonald's has stepped upt heri coffee some and Dunkin Donuts is supposed to have some big deal kind, but the one I pass every day has not drive through, so I never go there. Braums has bad coffee.
I get my coffee through the mail. It's called Gevalia, and if you buy from them there is usually some deal like they give you a coffee maker or something.
Ooooo,it's a programable coffee maker now.
Anyway, I usually make a full pot in my 4 cup maker with 2 scoops of Breakfast Blend and 1 scoop Chocolate Raspberry. That makes 2 mugs of coffee, which I drink with about 2 T of heavy cream and 3 splenda...the coffe is really strong, so the cream doesn't make it just taste like coffee flavored milk.
Great post,!
Wow...I read over what I said and it looks like I needed coffee before I wrote it...hope you can decypher:-)
At home I'm currently drinking Millstone. I buy off the internet Millstone Whole Bean, Columbian Supreme, Medium Roast. Then do the grinder thing, and drink it black. That's a pretty good pot of coffee.
At Coffee Dan's I bought Guatemalan and Columbian, both dark roast. Guatemalan is the favorite. It's a little milder than the Columbian.
I have a Melitta cone that sits on top of the cup. 2 generous tablespoons of ground coffee in 8oz makes a perfect cup. The electric tea pot boils water in less than 2 minutes.
Right now I'm drinking Columbian.
We blog in English not Jabberwocky.
Don, I don't know if I can think of anyone else who can make me laugh out loud while reading stuff on the compter like you NICE to me!!!!!
Are you enjoying the Beta Blogger?
I'm glad I make you laugh. It would be really great if everyone could understand my humor. Sometimes it gets out of control, though.
I don't think the Beta Blogger is working properly. The Compose mode doesn't work right now. Maybe it will be in time. The same thing happened a while back.
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