There are many topics that cause division. Politics and religion are two common ideas that get us riled up. Outrageous comments spew out of our mouths like lava from a volcano and often they’re just as hot. These two fields alone create a coterie of subtopics as vast as a prairie dog town.
This weekend I realized another thing that divides people like a butcher’s cleaver. It’s music.
WHAT!Get the picture?
This morning I was in church and we Baptists play music. It’s an important part of our worship. During the service there was a tune I didn’t care for. To me it was just a monotonous repetition. I was momentarily distracted from worship. But as I looked around there were many people singing from their hearts. I realized it wasn’t about me. I prayed.
Even in church we’ve allowed the music to divide us. Churches have two services not because of a growing congregation but because of the division music has created. It’s one thing to become concerned when the preacher is off base or spends too much time not preaching from the Bible. But to make the type of music we sing become most important is a serious problem. It becomes all about us instead of all about the Savior.
Music divides.
The music situation in Church has disturbed me for several years. I pray for tolerance for myself and the congregations. We attend the Methodist Church and sometimes the Baptist. When there is music that really has me thinking unholy thoughts I just look around me and see that it is speaking to others and then I'm okay. I have really had to work on this personally. Have a good week and your blog about music dividing was "right on"
It's like that everywhere. Walk into a restaurant and if you don't like the music your not going to be staying long. It's like that with bars. There are country bars, rock bars, blues bars. Nobody cares if the beer is different but nobody is going to listen to different music.
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