Monday, April 16, 2007

Another Tragedy

After the initial shock of the shootings at Virginia Tech the pundits started throwing out their usual slop of 'what ifs' and 'if onlys' around. One of the first cry out of the shoot was the need for strict gun control. Naturally, that's what this country doesn't need. For some reason it doesn't sink into the heads of these extremists that law abiding citizens don't commit these crimes. The crimes of shooting people are executed by people who have no regard for the law. Another thing that doesn't reach the gray matter in their skulls is the fact that criminals will always have access to guns. Any type of guns. They purchase them from criminals who sell other criminals guns.

Virginia has a conceal and carry law. By the way a concealed weapon is not a handgun. A concealed weapon is a weapon you can't see. A handgun in a holster that's hanging from your hip is not a concealed weapon. A shotgun or bazooka under a trench coat is a concealed weapon. At any rate, you can carry a weapon anywhere except on the campus of a school. It's not a state law, it's a decision made by the board of regents of that university. If Virginia Tech allowed law abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons maybe the criminal wouldn't have been able to kill 32 students.

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