Monday, April 30, 2007

Mission Accomplished?

Today is the anniversary of the Mission Accomplished speech the President gave on the USS Abraham Lincoln. For laughs, I looked up the speech and read it. Then, like a slap in the face, something was missing. I read it again and again. Much to my surprise the thing that was missing was the phrase "Mission Accomplished". It's no where to be seen.

So why is it called the "Mission Accomplished" speech? The only thing I can think of is because them mainstream media elite want you to believe he said it. Why would somebody want to lie to us like that?

Maybe they're filled with so much hatred that they'll do anything to discredit somebody they don't like. It's obvious to me they hate the truth.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Another Tragedy

After the initial shock of the shootings at Virginia Tech the pundits started throwing out their usual slop of 'what ifs' and 'if onlys' around. One of the first cry out of the shoot was the need for strict gun control. Naturally, that's what this country doesn't need. For some reason it doesn't sink into the heads of these extremists that law abiding citizens don't commit these crimes. The crimes of shooting people are executed by people who have no regard for the law. Another thing that doesn't reach the gray matter in their skulls is the fact that criminals will always have access to guns. Any type of guns. They purchase them from criminals who sell other criminals guns.

Virginia has a conceal and carry law. By the way a concealed weapon is not a handgun. A concealed weapon is a weapon you can't see. A handgun in a holster that's hanging from your hip is not a concealed weapon. A shotgun or bazooka under a trench coat is a concealed weapon. At any rate, you can carry a weapon anywhere except on the campus of a school. It's not a state law, it's a decision made by the board of regents of that university. If Virginia Tech allowed law abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons maybe the criminal wouldn't have been able to kill 32 students.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

He's not here for He is risen...

Matthew 28:6
He is not here; for He is risen

Illegal Aliens Go Home!

Did anybody see Bill O'Reilly's show on Friday night. Geraldo Rivera was on it. The topic was about the illegal alien that killed two girls in Virginia while driving drunk. Although it turned into a shouting match, and at one point it looked like a fight would break out, O'Reilly made excellent points while Geraldo kept arguing if the drunk driver had not been illegal this wouldn't be news.

I believe our judges need to enforce the laws for driving drunk. Too often the criminal isn't given a sentence for his crime. Instead the criminal is given another opportunity to drive drunk. That's not acceptable.

Drunk drivers who kill should be given the full sentence.

As far as illegal aliens are concerned, they have no business being in this country. Secondly, they have absolutely no business committing crimes in this country. When an illegal is arrested they should serve their time and then be deported.

Come to think of it, when an illegal alien is arrested they should be deported.


Democratic is a process.
Democrat is what they are.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Another Source for Global Warming?

If believing Hollywood celebrities doesn't provide enough proof of global warming consider this...

There has been a dramatic increase in penguin movies.

Mallard Fillmore 4/5/2007

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Is She for Real?

This afternoon I was watching the news and was caught by the Pelosi debacle in Syria. Has anybody else noticed how she's been behaving around the enemies of the free world? She acts worse than a giddy school girl on her first date. What's with all the hopping around on her toes and giggling?

It's disgusting.

Pelosi, who is heading the "Look at Me" tour of the Middle East, met with Assad on Wednesday. Not only did this anger the Bush Administration but she indicated to Assad and the world that she had delivered a message saying that Israel was ready to engage in peace talks.

"We were very pleased with the reassurances we received from the president [Assad] that he was ready to resume the peace process. He was ready to engage in negotiations for peace with Israel," Pelosi said.


What the Giggler of the House failed to mention were the only (reasonable) terms Israel will acknowledge for negotiations. I added the 'reasonable' part.

Vice President Chaney said, "She made a nonsensical statement."

He's right. Come to think of it, nonsensical statements are about all she's ever uttered. She's incapable of thinking a partial thought all at once. Has Pelosi ever known what she's talking about?

Prime Minister Olmert emphasized that although Israel is interested in peace with Syria, "that country continues to be part of the axis of evil and a force that encourages terror in the entire Middle East".

"In order to conduct serious and genuine peace negotiations, Syria must cease its support of terror, cease its sponsoring of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations, refrain from providing weapons to Hizballah and bringing about the destabilizing of Lebanon, cease its support of terror in Iraq, and relinquish the strategic ties it is building with the extremist regime in Iran," it said.

Whether or not Syria implements these measures will determine if Syria is sincere about making genuine peace with Israel, Olmert said.