Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Today I learned about an alternative to left leaning and anti-Christian Wikipedia. It's called Conservapedia. The encyclopedia is in it's infancy but looks like it's going to catch on.

There was a time when writing the truth was important regardless of your leanings. Maybe we can get back to it. Wouldn't that be great?

I urge all of you to start using and contributing to Conservapedia.


Anonymous said...

Some of your facts are incorrect and I'm not sure your sources. You should do like a reporter and check them three times. There is a rule of thumb about beatng lesser individuals in society in some states during our formation years as a nation. I know b/c I went to law school and we studied it...uhm did you go to law school?!!!

Don said...

I'm very glad that I never went to law school. Going to law school does not make a good researcher

Reporters should check their sources at least three times. It's called the scientific method. If you watch CNN or MSNBC you'll find that they rarely check their sources.

Quite often I'll check more than
three sources.