Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11/2001 Where Were You?

Five years ago today the single worst act of terrorism committed on U.S. soil, nearly 3,000 people died when two hijacked jetliners crashed into New York's World Trade Center, causing the twin towers to fall, a commandeered jetliner smashed into the Pentagon and a fourth hijacked plane crashed in western Pennsylvania. In each case, the cause of the terror were practitioners of that "religion of peace".

I was fishing with my father in law. Where were you?

Click on the comments and tell us about it.


Don said...

I was bass fishing with my father in law in southern Oklahoma. We had no idea what had happened until the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

I was in a '68 Volkswagen on the way to work in Nashvill, TN when I heard about it.

angela said...

We were at the Ear Nose and Throat academy meeting in Denver. My mom called me there and told me...I turned on the TV and watched all day. The room we were in had two rooms, actually and I remember the kids watching cartoons on the other TV. We had driven, so we could get home but lots of people flew and had a hard time getting back.

I participated in the 2996 project and profiled one Tim Reilly, who was killed in the World Trade Center 5 years ago today.

If you want to read it, go to

He was a really cool guy and so devoted to his family....sad.

kjam22 said...

I was at work. Except, that morning my company was meeting offsite in a church that was big enough to hold us all in one room. We found out bright and early that our company (Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas) had been sold to Dominion Exploration and Production.

We left the meeting surprised and worried, and arrived back at our offices after the second building had been hit, but before either had fallen.

A few of us in the marketing department huddled around a small television and watched the events unfold.

Anonymous said...

I was at work at Abundant Life Chiropractic. The radio announcer came on the air and said that there had been a terrible accident in New York City. We found a small television in the back room and hooked it up in the waiting room. People came in and out all day with a sense of disbelief. It was so hard to believe that such a thing had happened.

Anonymous said...

I was working in my home office when my husband called and said something had happened. I went down and turned on the TV. I had actually just read a report on Bin Laden the week before so he was the first person I thought of. I was watching when the second tower was hit. I pretty much spent the rest of the day glued to the TV. Sick after watching all those poor people hanging out and jumping from windows. Scared for them and their families. I prayed a lot.