Don't Call Me!
The 'Do Not Call Registry' is a great benefit to mankind. The only regret is that it wasn't implemented immediately after Don Ameche invented the telephone. The moment it opened for business we were among the first to register our phone numbers. The reason was clear and simple. We didn't want to be bothered.
Believe it or not the telephones in our household were never intended as a convenience for telemarketers.
Much to our chagrin a new telemarketing is group abusing our right to privacy. They start calling in the morning and don't stop until late at night harassing us with automatically dialed recorded messages and occasionally with real people. These people infringing upon our privacy are POLITICIANS.
Yes indeed, those extraordinary Snake Oil salesmen and saleswomen (notice the offensive term salesperson was not used) whose message hasn't changed for centuries are infringing on our privacy. Personally, It bothers me tremendously that these arrogant politicians would think for one moment that anyone really wants to hear their biased message and let alone over a telephone. Most of them don't have the decency show their numbers on Caller ID so we can know whom we're ignoring.
Those calls are probably coming from India.
I've personally called a few politicians in advance to let them know that we don't want to receive any calls from them. We'll be hard pressed to trust anyone with our vote who won't respect our privacy.
That's how I see it.
When I lived in Connecticut, we had our number placed on that list but it did not matter; we still had telespammers calling ALL the time. Finally I had the number changed to an unlisted number with a privacy block on it, which automatically hung up on recorded callers, and we rarely got calls from anyone we didn't know after that.
That's awful. We shouldn't have to to deal with it. Telemarketers should pay an annoyance fine so we can all have 'privacy block'. It's almost as bad as television and radio commercials.
I agree with you Don. But I have to say... I have a great time bantering with telemarketers. In fact, we didn't add our name to the list so they would keep calling. It is great fun!
I one time had some lady who sounded like she was in Massachusets (she sounded like Ted Kennedy) convinced that I was in Oklahoma, sitting on a telephone pole because the house didn't have a phone inside, (green acres) and that my wife couldn't come to the phone because it made her hemeroids hurt to bad when she climed the pole. :) I'm serious, it was hillarious!
You need to get Janice to tell you about some of our adventures with telemarketers. :)
Ah, I joined that a long time ago, how wonderful, especially because we just have cell phones. I was guilty of being decidedly unChristian to telemarketers who were calling and waking the baby on my CELL PHONE - so it is a great blessing, ha ha. Great blog you have here ;).
"Ken James said...
I agree with you Don. But I have to say... I have a great time bantering with telemarketers. In fact, we didn't add our name to the list so they would keep calling. It is great fun!"
I can't stand it. Soon the "other" party that denounces terrorism, but does everything to support it, is going to be calling for support. I'll start planning a counter attack.
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