I've been going to church for a long time. Except for a few years in the 70's it's been about 50 years. Through those years the main course was always meat. What I mean is the preachers would explain things from the Bible that would challenge the congregation. There would be a moving of the Holy Spirit and tugging at the heart to do the right thing. Revivals would bring many people to Jesus or bring Christians to their knees and they'd get back on track. Rotten people would be convicted and their lives would change. Through the Scriptures we would be taught, reproofed, corrected and grounded in doctrine.
Things have changed, and not for the better. It's rare to go to a church and hear sound preaching. These days the preaching, or lecturing, is lame. Bible is used but it's not allowed to work on it's own. Writers have to be quoted ad nauseum. Shaky theology is taught and nobody stands up against it. The wooing of the Holy Spirit used to be the power of sermons. Now it's seemingly cast to the side.
We're given all this information but not taught how to use it or what to do with it. Evangelism is lost to the winds. Jesus' words of go an tell are substituted for come join our party and feel good. We're given a steady diet of vegetable broth. Not even a chunk of tofu. Just clear vegetable broth.
The carnivores are starving. Hey preachers, throw us some meat.