Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quote of the Day

Here's an excellent quote by Thomas Sowell in the National Review. Don't you wish congress could apply his common sense to the immigration problem? Read his article by clicking the title.

People who are pushing for a "guest worker" program show not the slightest interest in what has been happening under guest-worker programs in Europe. Facts are apparently irrelevant. So is logic. Guests are people you invite to your home. Gate crashers are people who come without being invited. Home invaders are people who break in, despite doors that have been shut to keep them out.


Democratic is a process
democrat is what they are...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Amnesty Bill Fails Senate

Have the Republicans grown a spine? Did they get the picture? The Amnesty Bill was a massive failure! Hip hip hooray!

Mexicans who have gone through the system and obeyed the immigration laws don't want illegal Mexicans to be awarded citizenship.

Let's hope the fence gets built and illegals are treated as the criminals they are.

Here's a great link for building the fence!


Democratic is a process
democrat is what they are...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Don't Say It!!!

Are there words or phrases you can't stand to hear? Every generation has it's group of fad or over used words and phrases. Some are very interesting others are STUPID! The interesting words will come another time.

Here's a list of words and phrases I could go years without hearing and never miss them.

Actually - Why use it at all? If it's not already "actually" what is it?

Usually - This word is used too much. It means there is an exception but nowadays it’s used as an absolute. How many times have you wanted to know the policy of something and the answer is "USUALLY we don't do that". I always ask what the exceptions are. You should, too.

Kind of or Kinda - 'Kind of' is a phrase that shows similarities but nobody uses it that way. I kinda think you shouldn't do that. Class, we're kinda going to take a test. And the best for last... I'm kinda pregnant.

These ones - Does this need explaining?

So, but, anyway - How many times have you heard that used? Most of the time the Amway speaker is at a loss of words and regurgitates 'so, but, anyway'. Even a fool is considered wise when he's silent.

Like - For over 50 years it's been used to start sentences. Like, ya know?

I think so - Are people so mindless that they don’t know what they’re doing? Are you wearing glasses? I THINK SO. Did the ball hurt you when it smashed your face? I THINK SO. How about “I THINK we have a doctors appointment. Where are you going? (While seated in an airplane at 33,000 ft) I THINK I'M TAKING A PLANE TRIP. Are you a teacher? I THINK SO. The last one is frightening.

Fundamentalist - It’s mindlessly used to put someone down or to make someone feel superior over another. These same people don’t realize that all forms of rational thought begin with “Fundamentals”. Fundamentals are the foundation of everything we do. Being a Fundamentalist means you have a foundation on which to build.

Have a nice day - It’s fine if someone means it but I can’t tell you the last time that happened. It’s just something people without thinking. It means nothing.

Me and - This is a pet peeve deluxe. Me and Joe are... AKKKKKKKKKKKK! STOP IT!. Never start a sentence with 'me'.

Sorry - It's no longer a feeling of regret. It’s down right rude to knock someone down because you’re not paying attention and then say “sorry, teehee”. It shows contempt when somebody takes some of your Freedom Fries without asking and says, “sorry”. Besides, if you do something on purpose why would you say you're sorry?

Hi Guys - Not necessarily when addressing some friends, but when it comes from the hostess or waitress at a nice restaurant it’s so crude. I don‘t want giggly and bubbly. I want service and I want to be left alone. It should be banned from all eating establishments.

Profanity, anywhere or anytime is never appropriate.

It’s not a big deal - Somebody cuts in line, It’s not a big deal I do it all the time. Someone destroys something of value to you, It’s not a big deal I’m insured.

The Man upstairs - God is not some good ol’ boy. He deserves honor to His name.

It can’t be done - Yes it can. Unless you're kenny g trying to make a soprano sax sound good. Maybe there's an occasional exception, that is, as long as I approve of it.